Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement Began on September 19 2007

The Indian residential schools settlement agreement was a historic event that began on September 19th, 2007. This agreement was reached between the Government of Canada and the survivors of Indian residential schools. The residential schools were a system of boarding schools that were established in Canada from the 19th century until the 1990s. The schools were established with the aim of assimilating indigenous children into Western culture. The schools were run by various religious organizations, and the children were often subjected to physical and emotional abuse, as well as neglect.

The residential schools settlement agreement was the result of a long and difficult process. The survivors of the residential schools had been seeking justice for many years, and they had filed a class-action lawsuit against the Government of Canada. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the survivors of the residential schools and their families. The survivors alleged that the Canadian government had breached its fiduciary duty to them by failing to protect them from abuse and neglect while they were in the residential schools.

After years of negotiations, the Indian residential schools settlement agreement was finally reached. The agreement included compensation for survivors, as well as funding for healing and reconciliation programs. It also included a formal apology from the Government of Canada for its role in the residential school system.

The residential schools settlement agreement was a significant milestone in the history of Canada. It was a recognition of the harm that had been done to indigenous peoples, and a step towards healing and reconciliation. The agreement was also an acknowledgement of the importance of indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage and traditions, and a commitment to preserving and promoting that heritage.

As we reflect on the residential schools settlement agreement, it is important to remember the survivors of the residential schools and their families. It is also important to recognize the ongoing impact of the residential school system on indigenous peoples. The residential schools settlement agreement was an important step towards justice, but there is still much work to be done to address the ongoing legacies of colonialism and to promote reconciliation and healing.